Resin Projects

Hello Swishies!

We have been a little slow on the resin projects lately, this is for a number of reasons. We have been busy learning and playing with new craft items and as a result we have been a little slack on the production of our resin craft - our resin craft is what started us on our crafting business during the first 2020 lockdown.

We do have plans for some new items that will hit the website sort of in the next few months but there will be a few changes with how we produce our resin craft. Our beloved "build your own coster sets" will be retiring after the remaining single coaster have sold. We are not getting rid of our coasters - we will just be completing them as sets instead now.

We will also be retiring some resin pieces that have been popular over their time but have been very time consuming. Our Chopping boards will be retiring once the final few sell. Along with our Coaster sets with stands. We have 2 coaster sets with stands left and due to time and amount of resin used to make them - these items will be discontinued.

There will be a few more items that will be retiring as our mould wear out. As this happens we will let our customers know via our social media. Keep up to date with the daily changes on our instagram/Facebook. 

Liv x

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